Insect repellent

Repel mosquitoes

Fly zapper

Medical insights

Mosquito repellents

Mosquito bites

Bug zapper light

How to prevent malaria

Mosquito season

Best mosquito control

Malaria information

Sensorless vector control

Mosquito trap

Best insect repellent


Indoor bug zapper

How to kill mosquitoes

Mosquito repellant

Vector disease control


Malaria in africa

Natural insect repellent

Mosquitoes repellent

Ghana malaria

Natural mosquito repellent

Thank you for your interest in the Medical Insights Vector Control distributorship program for Armatron mosquito abatement products.

The process of determining your eligibility for distributorship rights to the Armatron product line is simple and will take 2-3 weeks after submittal of all documentation.

Medical Insights Diagnostic Centers, the parent company to Medical Insights Vector Control, is a Medical Corporation, registered in the State of California, United States of America. The medical experts at Medical Insights have evaluated the Armatron products and the company's approach to mosquito abatement to determine whether or not the products perform as promised. In order for them to earn the Medical Insights Seal of Approval we have determined that they are effective, safe and environmentally friendly. They will effectively serve as another tool to combat the diseases spread by mosquito vectors.

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Application for Distributorship

If you would like to become a distribution representative, please download, fill out and return this form to our USA address or via email to Thank you your interest and cooperation.